I have some seriously exciting news to share - but before we get into that, here’s some context for why. We’ve been primarily focused on senior portraits for the last 11 years. It’s been such an honor to capture this milestone in people’s lives, and we hear all the time about how transformational something as simple as senior pictures can be in someone’s life.
Fast forward to two and a half years ago when my oldest son Oliver was born. My wife and I knew we wanted newborn portraits to capture this amazing new chapter in our lives so not only could we enjoy them now, but also so Oliver could look back to a time he can’t remember. Naturally, we did the same for Henry when he came along!

Because we have personally enjoyed documenting and looking back over these stages in our kids lives, we’ve wanted to extend our services to our community as well. Now, you can not only enjoy senior pictures, but you can also look back on each stage of your child’s life with fond memories.
Introducing Jennifer Hagedorn
First things, first: I’m excited to announce that we’ve brought on the area’s best newborn and child photographer, Jennifer Hagedorn, to run this new venture!

Jennifer has been taking newborn and children’s portraits for the last 10 years - so she’s bringing all of that experience to the team. She’s actually the only person we’ve trusted to capture amazing photos at each stage in our kids' lives. So trust me, you’d actually rather her take your newborn and child sessions instead of me!
She’s awesome, safe, and keeps kids engaged, so you’re in good hands.
Check out the newborn & kids page that’s now live on the website for more information and book your session.
Starting It Off With Some Pizzaz: Book Your Glitter Mini Session
To kick everything off right, we wanted to offer you an exclusive event! We’ll be doing several themed mini-sessions for kids in the coming year, but let me quickly tell you about your first really fun, themed shoot for your kids.
They get to have a bunch of fun, make a huge mess, and you don’t even have to clean it up!
We’re talking, of course, about a glitter mini-session!

Basically, your kids are only this young and innocent for a short time, so why not take advantage of an opportunity to capture every moment before they grow up?
This is their chance to dress up in a beautiful dress or spiffy suit jacket, play around in a bunch of glitter, and we’ll get some absolutely awesome photos you would never take on your own… unless you like vacuuming up glitter for weeks. ;)
We even did a test run of this session with our own kids to see how they’d like it - and it’s all they could talk about for days!

This glitter mini session is a one-time, exclusive shoot, so be sure to sign up soon to lock in a spot.
Here are a few details about the Glitter Minis:
The session itself is Saturday, July 23, 2022. It costs $99 for the session, and we’ll have products and digitals available for purchase a-la-carte or as part of specials during your ordering session.
Get more information and sign up on the Glitter Minis page!
Serving You Through Every Milestone
People are always asking us to photograph more key life milestones beyond senior pictures - and offering newborn and child photography just seemed like a no-brainer to start expanding for our community. We’re extremely happy to open up this new service to you, and hope to see your smiling face grace the studio soon!